Even when there is no threat, panic attacks cause you to experience fear, discomfort, and a sense of losing control. Some of the symptoms of these attacks may resemble a heart attack since they come on suddenly and without warning. Typically, panic attacks are brief and peak in less than ten minutes. Attacks typically last between a few and 30 minutes, though they might continue for hours if they happen often. What you need to know about how long a panic attack lasts and how to deal with it or stop it from happening is provided below.
Well, in this article, we’ll be talking about how long panic attacks last, and the answers to the following questions will be discussed:
- What is Panic Attacks?
- What is the maximum time for a panic attack?
- Do symptoms usually last?
- What are a few methods for coping in the moment?
- Can a panic attack be prevented?
- When to See the Doctor
What is panic attacks?
When there is no immediate danger or obvious reason, a panic attack is a rapid amount of great fear that results in major physical symptoms. Panic attacks can be extremely terrifying. You might believe you are losing control, experiencing a heart attack, or even going to pass away when panic attacks strike. Many people only experience one or two panic attacks throughout their lives, and the issue usually goes away when the stressful event is over.
However, if you’ve experienced frequent, unexpected panic attacks and have endured extended periods of ongoing anxiety about an attack, you may be suffering from a disease known as panic disorder. Even if panic attacks don’t pose a life-threatening threat, they may still be frightening and have an important effect on your quality of life. However, treatment is often highly successful.
What is the maximum time for a panic attack?
Even though they usually only last a few minutes, panic attacks might feel like they last a lifetime when they’re happening. Within 10 minutes, symptoms often reach their peak and start to fade. It is possible to experience particularly long or brief panic attacks. While other attacks may continue longer, others can reach their peak in a matter of seconds and last only a few minutes.
The majority of research reports that one-time panic attacks can last up to 30 minutes. There have been accounts of attacks lasting several hours or even days. Some specialists claim that symptoms are not considered to be those of a panic attack, which involves a sudden start of fear if they don’t peak within 10 minutes. It’s regarded as a high concern instead. This might not be a panic attack, but it’s still awfully uncomfortable and unpleasant. It’s also possible to have several panic attacks that last an hour or longer and come in waves.
Do symptoms usually last?
Although signs of panic attacks can differ, they frequently include:
- Heart beating rapidly
- Chills or sweat
- Trembling
- Breathing Hard
- Chest discomfort or pain
- Dizziness
- Fear of dying or losing control
- Nauseousness and other stomach pain
During a panic attack, symptoms start out strong, peak, and then slowly subside. Physical symptoms are frequently the first to go away; however, depending on how anxious you are, you can continue to hyperventilate and feel uncomfortable in your chest and abdomen. You can have tiredness or stiffness in the muscles during the attack’s comedown.
Behavioral or cognitive problems are the most common long-lasting symptoms. The attack may leave you feeling anxious all the time. Many people never stop worrying about their lack of control. A fear of dying can persist if you are in pain until you speak with a doctor. You could worry or obsess about having another panic attack if you have a panic disorder. This may lower your quality of life by causing daily anxiety.
What are a few methods for coping in the moment?
Breathe, first and foremost. Although you’re certainly hyperventilating, controlling your breathing will help to immediately reduce the fight-or-flight response in your body. Count the breaths you take. Breathe deeply, then release deeply. Until your breathing returns to normal, count to 10, and then start over.
Additional fast methods for coping include:
- Realizing that a panic attack is what you’re having
- Finding something to focus on
- Using strong methods of relaxation
- Carrying out a mantra
- Exercising
Here is a thorough guide on how to stop a panic attack, as well as some grounding exercises that might be useful.
Can a panic attack be prevented?
You do not need to live in constant fear of panic attacks. You can manage your attacks or even prevent them by using a variety of methods and tools. Making a strategy that will make you feel more in control is a great method to stop panic attacks. The length and frequency of attacks may be reduced if you have a plan in place for when one starts.
Your plan of action might consist of:
- Practicing progressive muscular relaxation or deep breathing exercises
- After a grounding technique like the 5-4-3-2-1 maneuver
- Reading an article on panic attacks can help one cope with their fear of passing away
- Keep a small list of mantras on a sticky note or on your phone, such as “I’m going to be OK; these are just symptoms of panic,” to read when you need to calm down.
When you’re in particular situations, you might want to look for support and share your intentions with your family, friends, or coworkers.
For Example:
You can practice a relaxation method at home with your partner or roommate so they can help you when you’re having an attack. You could feel more connected and focused after taking a few breaths together. You might only want to let your manager or a trusted coworker know that you have panic attacks at the office. Although sharing this information can be disturbing, it can also make your business seem safer.
Additional measures to stop upcoming attacks include:
Learn about anxiety and panic attacks.
The power of knowledge Knowing more about panic attacks will help you recognize your signs, feel more in control, and shorten your attacks. While many people only have one or a few panic attacks, others have them frequently as a result of an anxiety illness. Understanding anxiety can improve your ability to control it.
Practice breathing exercises
In the midst of a panic attack, meditation, breathing exercises, and muscle relaxation can all be helpful. But in order to be prepared for one, understanding and using these methods beforehand is important.
Regular exercise
Several benefits of regular exercise have been found for both physical and mental health. Exercise, particularly intense physical activity, might even duplicate the symptoms of panic attacks. You can teach your body and mind to understand that those feelings, such as a racing heart, sweating, and difficulty breathing, aren’t always signs of fear by engaging in regular exercise. Reduced stress, which can cause panic attacks, is another option.
Avoid using caffeine, alcohol, and cigarettes.
There are some substances that are known to cause anxiety and, occasionally, panic attacks. It might be beneficial to limit or avoid stimulants like coffee or other substances if you observe that your panic attacks happen around that time and want to see whether your attack frequency changes. Avoiding these substances may help reduce symptoms because they may potentially intensify an attack.
Obtain enough rest.
Lack of sleep can make managing stress more challenging and raise your anxiety levels. Because of this, it’s crucial to practice excellent sleeping habits.
When to See the Doctor
When having a panic attack for the first time, it can be incredibly scary. However, having panic attacks is not a guarantee that you have an anxiety condition; you might have them without being mentally ill.
Seek assistance if:
- You frequently encounter panic attacks or have them on a regular basis.
- Your daily life is being impacted by your anxiety
- You’re finding it challenging to manage.
There are so many options available to you, and your doctor can even provide planning assistance, recommend reading material, or take your vital signs to help you feel more at peace. Consult a doctor if you frequently worry about dying or feel as though something is seriously wrong with your health. They can do tests to evaluate your general well-being or, more particularly, the condition of your heart. Your mind will be at ease if you receive a clean bill of health. Even a printout of the outcomes is acceptable. This piece of paper might be part of your strategy to pull out during an attack to serve as a reminder that everything will be okay.
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Even though panic attacks can seem uncomfortable and come on suddenly, they won’t linger forever. While it may seem like they last longer, most panic attacks only last 10 to 15 minutes. Contact a mental health professional if your anxiety symptoms start to interfere with your everyday activities, your attacks become more frequent or intense, or you simply need more support in dealing with them. Two-thirds of people who seek treatment from a mental health professional allegedly experience remission within six months.
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