How to Clean Cloth Car Seats

How to Clean Cloth Car Seats

Cloth car interiors often rank first for being the least forgiving. Those who are fortunate enough to have dark-colored cloth may get away with the occasional spill, but otherwise, you may end up with a car that looks fairly dirty. The majority of garages offer comprehensive detail cleaning, but when you need it done frequently, having your car professionally cleaned may get pricey.

Thankfully, you can do it yourself at a far lower price. Even if you don’t frequently drive large distances, it’s simple for dirt, sweat, and oil to build up from your daily outings. A buildup of stains and spills can result in unpleasant odors as well as a very ugly interior, whether the stain is from yogurt, juice, or your takeaway coffee.

How to Clean Cloth Car Seats

Fortunately, figuring out how to clean the interior of your car doesn’t actually require professional assistance. The majority of cloth car seat fabrics can be washed with relative ease, and even the most difficult stains are treatable using a variety of techniques. Well, in this guide, we discussed easy-to-follow steps on how to clean cloth car seats in several cases.

So, let’s get started!


How to Clean Cloth Car Seats Generally?

To clean cloth car seats, you can follow these general steps:

  • Vacuum the seats: Begin by vacuuming the car seats to remove any loose dirt, dust, or debris. Use a vacuum cleaner with an upholstery attachment to effectively clean the fabric.
  • Check for stains: Inspect the seats for any stains or spills that require special attention. Common stains on car seats include food and beverage spills, ink stains, or pet stains.
  • Spot clean stains: For small stains or spills, you can spot clean the affected areas using a mild fabric cleaner or upholstery cleaner. Test the cleaner on a small, inconspicuous area of the seat first to ensure it doesn’t cause any discoloration or damage. Follow the instructions on the cleaner and use a clean cloth or sponge to gently blot the stain until it lifts off.
  • Deep clean the seats: For more thorough cleaning, you can use a carpet and upholstery cleaner. You can either rent a carpet cleaner with an upholstery attachment or use a portable upholstery cleaner specifically designed for car seats. Follow the instructions provided with the cleaner and ensure you’re using an appropriate cleaning solution for the fabric of your car seats.
  • Scrub and agitate: Use a soft-bristled brush or an upholstery brush attachment on the cleaner to gently scrub the seats. Work in small sections and apply the cleaner to the fabric. Use overlapping, circular motions to agitate the fabric and lift dirt and stains. Be careful not to oversaturate the seats.
  • Extract the cleaner: After scrubbing, use the carpet cleaner or a clean cloth to extract the cleaner and dirt from the seats. Follow the instructions provided with the cleaner to effectively remove the cleaning solution. Ensure you remove as much moisture as possible from the seats to aid in the drying process.
  • Allow the seats to dry: After cleaning, leave the car doors or windows open to allow fresh air to circulate and aid in the drying process. It’s best to let the seat air dry naturally, but if necessary, you can use a fan or a portable heater set to a low temperature to speed up drying.
  • Brush and vacuum again: Once the seats are completely dry, use a soft-bristled brush to fluff the fabric and restore its appearance. Vacuum the seats once more to remove any remaining debris or loose fibers.

Remember to always read and follow the instructions provided with the cleaning products and equipment you use. Additionally, it’s a good idea to test any cleaners on a small, inconspicuous area of the seats before applying them to the entire seat to ensure they don’t cause any damage or discoloration.

How to Clean Cloth Car Seats With Coffee Stains on It?

Coffee stains on cloth car seats can be unsightly, but with prompt action and the right cleaning approach, you can effectively remove them. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Blot the stain: Start by blotting the coffee stain with a clean cloth or paper towel. Gently dab the stain to absorb as much liquid as possible. Avoid rubbing the stain, as it can spread the coffee and make it harder to remove.
  • Prepare a cleaning solution: Mix a tablespoon of liquid dish soap with a cup of warm water. Stir the solution to create a soapy mixture. Alternatively, you can use a carpet or upholstery cleaner specifically designed for coffee stains.
  • Test on an inconspicuous area: Before applying the cleaning solution to the coffee stain, test it on a small, hidden area of the car seat to ensure it doesn’t cause any discoloration or damage.
  • Apply the cleaning solution: Using a clean cloth or sponge, apply the cleaning solution to the coffee stain. Gently blot the stain, working from the outside toward the center, to prevent spreading. Allow the solution to sit on the stain for a few minutes to penetrate and break down the coffee residue.
  • Blot and rinse: After allowing the cleaning solution to work, blot the stain again with a clean cloth or paper towel. Rinse the cloth or sponge and blot the stain with plain water to remove the soap residue.
  • Repeat if necessary: If the coffee stain persists, repeat the process by applying the cleaning solution and blotting until the stain is lifted. Avoid oversaturating the fabric.
  • Air dry: Once the stain is removed, allow the car seat to air dry naturally. Open the car windows or doors to promote air circulation and expedite the drying process.

Remember, it’s essential to tackle coffee stains as soon as possible to prevent them from setting into the fabric. Prompt action and gentle cleaning techniques should help restore your cloth car seats to their original condition.

How to Clean Cloth Car Seats With Grease Stains on It?

Grease stains on cloth car seats can be challenging to remove, but with the right approach, you can effectively tackle them. Follow these steps to clean cloth car seats with grease stains:

  • Scrape off excess grease: Start by using a dull knife or spoon to carefully scrape off any excess grease from the car seat. Be gentle to avoid spreading the grease or pushing it deeper into the fabric.
  • Absorb the grease: Place a clean cloth or paper towel over the grease stain and press it gently. The cloth will absorb some of the grease. Repeat with a fresh cloth or paper towel until no more grease transfers.
  • Apply a grease-cutting agent: There are several options for grease-cutting agents you can use, such as dish soap, laundry detergent, or a specialized upholstery cleaner. Dilute the cleaner with water according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Test on an inconspicuous area: Before applying the cleaning solution to the grease stain, test it on a small, hidden area of the car seat to ensure it doesn’t cause any discoloration or damage.
  • Blot the stain: Dip a clean cloth or sponge into the cleaning solution and gently blot the grease stain. Avoid rubbing, as it can spread the grease. Continue blotting until the stain starts to lift.
  • Rinse and repeat: After blotting, dampen a clean cloth with water and blot the area to remove any cleaning solution residue. If the grease stain persists, repeat the process of applying the cleaner, blotting, and rinsing until the stain is gone.
  • Air dry: Once the grease stain is removed, allow the car seat to air dry naturally. Open the car windows or doors to promote air circulation and aid in the drying process. Avoid using heat sources or hair dryers, as they can potentially damage the fabric.
  • Brush or vacuum the seat: After the seat is completely dry, use a soft-bristled brush or a vacuum cleaner with an upholstery attachment to fluff the fabric and remove any remaining particles or residue.

If the grease stain persists after following these steps, it may be best to consult a professional car upholstery cleaner who can use specialized techniques and products to tackle stubborn stains. Remember to always read and follow the instructions on the cleaning products and conduct a patch test in an inconspicuous area before treating the entire stain.

By promptly addressing grease stains and using appropriate cleaning methods, you can effectively remove them and restore the appearance of your cloth car seats.

How to Clean Cloth Car Seats With Vomit Stains on It?

Vomit stains on cloth car seats can be unpleasant, but with the right approach, you can remove them and eliminate any lingering odors. Here’s a step-by-step guide to cleaning cloth car seats with vomit stains:

  • Wear protective gloves and clothing: Before you begin the cleaning process, it’s advisable to wear protective gloves and clothing to prevent contact with any potentially harmful bacteria or pathogens.
  • Remove solid matter: Using a plastic scraper or spoon, carefully remove any solid matter from the car seat. Be gentle to avoid spreading the stain or pushing it further into the fabric. Dispose of the waste properly.
  • Blot excess moisture: Take a clean cloth or paper towel and gently blot the vomit stain to absorb any excess moisture. Avoid rubbing the stain, as it can spread the vomit and make it more challenging to clean.
  • Treat with an enzyme cleaner: Enzyme-based cleaners are effective for breaking down organic stains such as vomit. Apply the enzyme cleaner to the stained area according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Make sure the cleaner is suitable for use on fabric and upholstery.
  • Let it sit: Allow the enzyme cleaner to sit on the stain for the recommended duration specified on the product label. This will give the enzymes enough time to break down the organic matter and eliminate odor-causing bacteria.
  • Blot and rinse: After the designated time has passed, blot the stain again with a clean cloth or paper towel to remove the enzyme cleaner. Rinse the cloth or sponge and blot the area with plain water to remove any remaining residue.
  • Odor elimination: If there is still a lingering odor, you can sprinkle baking soda over the affected area and let it sit for a few hours or overnight. Baking soda is effective at absorbing odors. Vacuum the baking soda thoroughly to remove it.
  • Air dry: Once the seat is clean and odor-free, allow it to air dry naturally. Open the car windows or doors to facilitate air circulation and speed up the drying process.

It’s crucial to address vomit stains promptly to prevent them from setting into the fabric and causing further damage. By following these steps and using appropriate cleaning products, you can successfully clean vomit stains from your cloth car seats.


In conclusion, knowing how to properly clean cloth car seats is a necessary skill for maintaining the cleanliness and beauty of the inside of your automobile. In order to clean dirt, stains, and odors from cloth seats, this guide offers practical instructions and advice. Regular cleaning improves your car’s look and makes for a more enjoyable and comfortable driving experience.

The most important lessons learned involve selecting cleaning supplies that are appropriate, following to manufacturer instructions, and employing thorough yet delicate cleaning methods. It is critical to take swift action after spills or stains to avoid lasting harm. You may enjoy clean, fresh fabric car seats for years to come through the use of these tips into your routine for maintaining your vehicle, making for a more pleasant and comfortable journey.

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