how to unlock steering wheel without key

How to Unlock Steering Wheel Without Key

One of the crucial parts of any vehicle, the steering wheel system is responsible for controlling direction. The wheels of the car move in real-time as a result of the driver’s rotating motions. Like all other vehicle parts, it is not impervious to malfunctions and damages. You are aware that turning the key in the ignition will immediately unlock a locked steering wheel. But what if the key isn’t close at hand? Are you knowledgeable about how to unlock the steering wheel without a key? It’s a good thing that you have a variety of to unlock steering wheel without key

Well, in this article, we’ll be looking at how to unlock your steering wheel without a key. Even so, the answers to the following questions will be discussed:

  • What causes a steering wheel to lock?
  • How do you unlock your steering wheel if your car has a push-button ignition?
  • Can you use a screwdriver or other tool to unlock your steering wheel without a key?
  • How to unlock your steering wheel without a key?
  • What should you do if your steering wheel is completely stuck and won’t move at all?
  • Is it possible to prevent your steering wheel from locking in the first place?

Ok, let’s get down to it!


What causes a steering wheel to lock?

Coming out to find your steering locked might be very annoying, especially if you don’t remember any warning indications. Even while common safety measures like the auto-lock system could be to blame, you might want to check for underlying issues. One factor that makes steering wheels lock up is safety. The steering wheel locks when you turn off the power, preventing the car from moving on its own. By doing this, you can make sure that your car will remain secure and still.

You might also be low on power steering fluid. The power steering system increases your steering effort and facilitates wheel turning for you. But for this system to work as it should, a power steering fluid is required. You may be short on power steering fluid if your steering locks up while you’re moving.

In addition, it might be the steering auto-lock feature that was activated. The auto-lock feature of modern steering systems is typically installed, and it works by spinning the wheel after turning off the ignition. This acts as a theft deterrent by making it harder for a criminal to steal the car and drive it away.

How do you unlock your steering wheel if your car has a push-button ignition?

If your car has a push-button ignition and you’re having trouble unlocking the steering wheel, there are a few steps you can follow:

  • Ensure the car is in “Park” or “Neutral”: Make sure your vehicle is in the Park (P) or Neutral (N) position. Some cars won’t unlock the steering wheel unless the gear selector is in one of these positions.
  • Engage the brake pedal: Press the brake pedal firmly with your foot. This step is necessary for most cars with push-button ignition systems to enable the steering wheel to unlock.
  • Press the start/stop button: With your foot on the brake pedal, press the start/stop button once or twice without starting the engine. This action can activate the electrical systems of the car and unlock the steering wheel.
  • Turn the steering wheel: While keeping the brake pedal pressed, try turning the steering wheel gently in both directions. Sometimes, the steering wheel gets locked due to the steering column’s tension, and turning it slightly can help release the lock.
  • Start the engine: If the steps above don’t work, try starting the engine while maintaining pressure on the brake pedal. Once the engine starts, the steering wheel should unlock automatically.

Can you use a screwdriver or other tool to unlock your steering wheel without a key?

It is not advised to attempt to unlock a steering wheel without a key because it can be difficult. As a safety precaution to prevent theft, the steering wheel is often made to lock when the ignition is switched off. However, using a screwdriver or other tools to release the steering wheel without a key might possibly harm the ignition system or other parts of the car.

How to unlock your steering wheel without a key?

how to unlock steering wheel without key

Here are three ways you can use to unlock your steering wheel without a key:

  • Unlock it yourself.
  • Loosening sticky locks.
  • Replace the ignition set.

Unlock it yourself

You may always attempt to unlock a locked steering wheel on your own. Some of the things you can attempt if there isn’t significant underlying harm include:

  • Put the key in
  • Make use of another key
  • Spritz WD40

Put the key in

The key needs to be inserted and turned inside the ignition in order to unlock the steering wheel in the majority of cases. Try to turn the wheel in the same direction as it was turning before it became stuck. Turn it both ways if you can’t remember which way. You should turn the key while doing this. To avoid causing more harm, you might need to increase your turning effort, but don’t exert too much pressure.

Make use of another key

There could be a problem with the key if you insert it and it doesn’t unlock the locked wheel. The master key may stop working due to things like prolonged use and dead batteries. For instance, a used car’s former owner may not have kept it up properly, and the key may be flawed in some other way.

When a key like that doesn’t completely fit your lock cylinder, the wheel stays locked. But if you have another key, you can insert it, turn it, and steer it all at once. The drawback of this approach is that not all automakers offer second keys, particularly for more recent vehicle models.

Spritz WD40

Spray some WD40 inside the ignition key if all other options have failed. WD40 is a well-known all-purpose product that can be used to lubricate, remove moisture, stop rust, unstick objects, etc. When debris accumulates in the lock tumblers, a steering wheel may become jammed. Apply a good amount of the substance, then insert the key. While twisting your steering, turn it in both directions. This remedy ought to dislodge any contaminants that may be within and solve the issue.

Loosening sticky locks

  • Fill the keyhole with an electrical cleaner.
  • Add canned air to the ignition.
  • Gently slide the key in and out many times.
  • Make sure the key is in good condition.

Fill the keyhole with an electrical cleaner

For this fix, you’ll need to lubricate and use an electrical cleaner to clean the keyhole. Spray a little in the keyhole, being careful not to use too much. After that, keep inserting and removing the key to disperse the cleaner evenly.

Add canned air to the ignition

The key might not turn if there is dirt or another contaminant stuck in the keyhole. In that situation, canned air can be useful. Fit the can nozzle into the keyhole and spray the air in to loosen and eliminate any pollutant that might be lodged in.

Gently slide the key in and out many times

You ought to now repeatedly insert and remove the key. On occasion, dust might lodge between your ignition cylinder’s pins. You can remove any such dirt or debris by gently sliding the key in.

Make sure the key is in good condition

In certain cases, a close examination of the key may be all that is necessary to diagnose the issue. A key that is bent or damaged won’t be able to engage the ignition’s pins deep enough to turn the ignition. Your car key must be completely replaced if it has any bends or teeth that are chipped. You might think about replacing the key. But if the original is already malformed, you can’t build a clone that works from it.

Replace the ignition set

If the methods mentioned above don’t work to free a jammed steering wheel, you might need to use a more technical method. We must acknowledge that not all car owners are knowledgeable or at ease using a DIY method. Therefore, when all else fails and professional assistance is required, we advise seeking it.

  • Take apart the column panels.
  • Clear the lock cylinder.
  • Replace the ignition-lock system.
  • Install the columns back.

Take apart the column panels

You must first separate the steering wheel from the column covers. To do this, start from the bottom and loosen the screws on either side of the steering column. When adjusting the wheel, press the tabs on the panel cover to release the panel. To separate the upper half of the column cover, carry out the same procedure again.

Clear the lock cylinder

You should be able to see your lock cylinder once you’ve taken the panels off. Insert your key, find the release tab, and depress it to make it active. Press the tab while turning the key, then wait for the cylinder to begin moving before removing it.

Replace the ignition-lock system

You can now install the new ignition-lock system. Before removing the cylinder, slide it back into the same spot. Before inserting your lock tab, make sure it is securely in the cylinder. Reinstalling the column is the next step, but first, you need to make sure the key turns all the way.

Install the columns back

Once you’ve checked that the key rotates totally in the cylinder, reattach the lower and upper column panels. The screws should be securely fastened, and all clips should lock as they did before disassembly.

What should you do if your steering wheel is completely stuck and won’t move at all?

If your steering wheel is completely stuck and won’t move at all, it could indicate a serious issue with your vehicle’s steering system. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Stay calm: It’s important to remain calm and focused to handle the situation safely.
  • Ensure your vehicle is stationary: If your steering wheel is stuck while you’re driving, try to slow down gradually and pull over to a safe location off the road.
  • Check for any obstructions: Inspect the area around the front wheels and underneath the vehicle for any objects or debris that may be causing the obstruction. If you find anything, attempt to remove it carefully.
  • Verify power steering fluid level: Insufficient power steering fluid can cause difficulty in steering. Open the hood and check the power steering fluid level. If it’s low, you may need to add more fluid, but this might not immediately resolve the issue.
  • Restart the engine: Turn off the engine completely and then restart it. Sometimes, electrical issues can cause the steering wheel to lock up, and restarting the engine might help reset the system.
  • Attempt gentle movement: With the engine running, try turning the steering wheel gently from left to right while applying steady pressure. Avoid using excessive force as it could damage the steering system.
  • Seek professional help: If the steering wheel remains stuck despite your efforts, it is best to contact a professional mechanic or roadside assistance service. They have the expertise and tools to diagnose and fix the problem safely.

Is it possible to prevent your steering wheel from locking in the first place?

Steering wheel locking is a safety feature designed to prevent unauthorized use of a vehicle. It typically engages when the ignition is turned off and the key is removed from the ignition switch. The steering wheel lock engages automatically as a deterrent against theft and is a standard feature in most modern vehicles. While it is not recommended to disable the steering wheel lock, as it compromises the security of your vehicle, there are a few precautions you can take to minimize the chances of the steering wheel locking in the first place:

Park properly

When parking your vehicle, make sure the front wheels are straight, and avoid turning the steering wheel before turning off the ignition. This reduces the pressure on the steering column and decreases the likelihood of the lock engaging.

Maintain your vehicle

Regular maintenance helps ensure that all components of your vehicle, including the steering mechanism, are in good working condition. Proper lubrication and adjustment of the steering column can reduce the chances of the steering wheel lock engaging unintentionally.

Avoid excessive force

Handling the steering wheel with excessive force, such as turning it forcefully while the engine is off, can cause the lock to engage. Use gentle and smooth movements when operating the steering wheel.

Check the ignition switch

If you notice that the steering wheel lock engages too easily or frequently, it could be a sign of a faulty ignition switch. Have your vehicle inspected by a qualified mechanic to determine if any repairs or adjustments are necessary.

Remember that tampering with the steering wheel lock or attempting to disable it can lead to legal issues and may void your vehicle’s warranty. It’s generally best to follow the recommended guidelines and ensure proper maintenance to minimize any inconvenience caused by the steering wheel lock.


In conclusion, being able to unlock a steering wheel without a key is a practical ability to have in case of lockout. This manual offers many methods for securely unlocking a locked steering wheel so you can retake control of your car. However, it’s crucial to understand the legal and safety repercussions before utilizing these techniques, as you should only do so when you have a good cause to gain access to your car. However, it’s always advisable to have correct identification and authorization while attempting to unlock a steering wheel. Being prepared with this knowledge might be helpful in emergency scenarios.

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How do you force unlock a steering wheel without a key?

To force unlock a steering wheel without a key, you can try wiggling the wheel back and forth while turning the key or try using a different key. If that doesn’t work, you may need to call a locksmith or a mechanic.

How do I manually disengage my steering wheel lock?

To manually disengage your steering wheel lock, you can try turning the key while gently wiggling the steering wheel back and forth. If that doesn’t work, you may need to call a locksmith or a mechanic.

How come my steering wheel is locked?

Your steering wheel may be locked due to a variety of reasons, such as a faulty ignition switch, a damaged key, or a malfunctioning steering column.

How do you turn an ignition without a key?

It is not recommended to turn an ignition without a key as it can damage the ignition switch and potentially cause other issues with your vehicle.

What do I do if my key won t turn in the ignition and the steering wheel is locked Subaru?

If your key won’t turn in the ignition and the steering wheel is locked on your Subaru, try wiggling the steering wheel back and forth while turning the key. If that doesn’t work, you may need to call a locksmith or a mechanic.

How do you remove an ignition lock?

To remove an ignition lock, you will need to first disconnect the battery, remove any covers around the ignition, and then use specialized tools to remove the lock cylinder from the ignition assembly.

Can you unlock a steering wheel with a dead battery?

It is not possible to unlock a steering wheel with a dead battery as the battery powers the electronic components needed to unlock it. You will need to use a physical key or call a locksmith or a mechanic.

How do thieves bypass the steering wheel lock?

Thieves can bypass steering wheel locks using various methods such as using brute force, using specialized tools, or hot-wiring the vehicle.

Can a locksmith unlock a steering wheel lock?

A locksmith can unlock a steering wheel lock if it is not damaged or broken. If it is damaged or broken, you may need to replace it.

Why are thieves stealing steering wheels?

Thieves may steal steering wheels for various reasons such as reselling them, using them for spare parts, or for personal use.

Do wheel locks stop thieves?

While wheel locks can provide some level of security, they may not necessarily stop determined thieves. It is recommended to use additional security measures such as an alarm system or a steering wheel lock.

That is all for this article, in which we looked at how to unlock your steering wheel without a key. Even so, the answers to the following questions will be discussed:

  • What causes a steer
  • How do you unlock your steering wheel if your car has a push-button ignition?
  • Can you use a screwdriver or other tool to unlock your steering wheel without a key?
  • How to unlock your steering wheel without a key?
  • What should you do if your steering wheel is completely stuck and won’t move at all?
  • Is it possible to prevent your steering wheel from locking in the first place?

We hope it was helpful. If so, kindly share it with others. Thanks for reading; see you around!