Understanding Innovative Leadership

Innovation leadership combines different styles to influence employees to produce creative ideas, products, and services. The key role is that of the innovation leader, as established by Dr. David Gliddon at Penn State University. This approach supports the achievement of an organization’s mission or vision and is necessary for continued success and competitiveness. Well, in this case, we will be discussing the innovative leader as well as the following will be discussed. Continue to read to gain more knowledge.


  • What is Innovative Leadership?
  • Skills of Innovative leaders
  • Ways of Becoming an Innovative Leader
  • The importance of innovative leadership in the modern business environment
  • How business leaders drive innovation despite changing circumstances
  • The 7 core competencies that drive innovative leadership

Well, Let’s Dive Right In!


What is Innovative Leadership?

Innovative leadership involves applying innovation and creativity to manage people and projects, inspiring productivity in new ways. It is important in times of uncertainty, ambiguity, and risk, benefiting companies and industries in such situations. Innovative leaders are willing to consider different concepts or approaches, which can be challenging for those who prefer traditional methods.

Read more: Understanding Leadership Challenge

Skills of Innovative leaders

Any leader with innovative skills must be independent of the industry in which they handle the work of the team they oversee. The requirements for leaders with innovative skills include the following:

  • Imagination
  • Communication
  • Willingness to embrace opportunities
  • Empathy


Imagination is necessary when adding innovative to a leadership. Having the ability to imagine and realize the future from a simple concept, as well as consider the steps it will take to achieve a particular goal.


Effective communication is crucial for an innovative leader. These leaders can communicate in all directions, emphasizing the importance of each team member and keeping everyone aware and involved. Innovative leadership also involves effectively communicating the vision and generating enthusiasm for progress.

Willingness to embrace opportunities

Embracing new ideas and opportunities is a unique approach to work and an important skill for becoming an innovative leader. It is an important skill to become an innovative leader, as it allows you to look for new opportunities and embrace the chance to try them out.


Empathizing with others is crucial for all leadership styles, especially in this context where it involves understanding the end customer or beneficiary of the innovative idea. By employing empathy, leaders can create meaningful connections with others, offer assistance, understand their requirements, establish trust, and forge strong relationships.

Read more: Leading with Empathy: An Effective Leadership Style

Creative brainstorming

Recalling back in the early educational days, you may remember brainwaves ideas as a way to get creative and come up with new concepts. Continuing to develop and apply this skill can benefit you as an innovative leader. It is easy to get bogged down with day-to-day tasks, so set aside some time each day to think creatively and write down any ideas you might have.


Leaders with innovative skills intend to be efficient workers and motivators, concentrating on getting things done.


Ways of Becoming an Innovative Leader

If you are the type who want to become an innovative leader you must the apply the following concept of a leadership style to your team member.

Be willing to keep learning

It is important for a leader to continue learning, including the innovative ones. To move a project forward and generate creative concepts, you need relevant knowledge and a willingness to continuously learn about new ideas in your field.

Study innovative leaders

For example, learning can help you identify some of the key qualities of successful innovative leaders and apply those qualities to your own leadership style. Examine successful leaders who are innovators and analyze their unique approaches.

Look for ways to improve upon current concepts

Instead of developing a new concept, innovative leaders should focus on improving something that already exists. Innovation is not the same as invention, but rather a way to introduce a new idea to the world in a way that has not yet been seen.

Set manageable goals

Goals setting is an important aspect for successful leaders. Setting a goal for you and your team member should be possible and easy to understand. when ever you setting a specific goal, ask yourself why the idea matters to the business or the consumer, as well as what purpose the goal is working to achieve.

Read more: Understanding Authentic Leadership

Find your passion

Passion drives success, so finding your passion can lead to greater success in your career. It is weightier to remain motivated if financial gain is your only reason for doing your job. Feeling impassioned about what you do helps you achieve greater fulfillment, which you can then pass on to those you lead.

Be willing to adapt

Change can be challenging for people across all industries, as it involves regulating a mindset and changing a new ways of thinking and doing. Becoming more willing to modify to change and even push change forward can benefit you in your goal to lead by innovation.

Be persistent

Persistence is a common trait among many successful historical leaders. You may fail before you achieve success, but what will set you apart from others is your willingness to keep going and try again.


The importance of innovative leadership in the modern business environment

B2B and B2C markets constantly change, and customer expectations are always evolving. Digital technologies have made customers more informed and savvy, allowing them to easily find products and services that meet their expectations.

Read more: Developing Leadership Mindset

How business leaders drive innovation despite changing circumstances

Organizations that have both innovative leaders and disinclined leaders. It is important to bang a balance between these two proneness; an overly conservative approach to leadership can cause organizations to become stagnant and unmoving, threatening their long-term viability.

Final Thought

Innovative leadership is the cornerstone of progress in today’s rapidly evolving world. It fosters a culture of creativity, resilience, and adaptability, driving organizations to thrive amidst change. By championing collaboration, diversity, and continuous learning, innovative leaders empower teams to explore new horizons and turn challenges into opportunities. In facing global challenges, from technological disruption to sustainability, innovative leadership is not just a strategy but a mindset essential for shaping a brighter, more inclusive future.

That is all for this article, where innovative leadership has been discussed. I hope it was helpful, if so, kindly share with others. Thanks for reading, see you around!


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