difference between single plate and multi plate clutch

Difference between multi-plate and single-plate clutch

Single-plate and multi-plate clutches are the common types of clutches used in automobiles. In this article, you’ll get to know the difference between these two types of clutches and their working.


Multi-plate clutch

multi plate clutch

The multi-plate clutch transfers power between the engine shaft and the transmission shaft by contacting the engine flywheel with many clutch plates. When large torque output is required, a multi-plate clutch is employed in automobiles and machines.

A multi-plate clutch transfers more power from the engine to the transmission shaft of an automobile vehicle while simultaneously compensating for torque loss due to slippage. This clutch is used in heavy machinery, commercial vehicles, special-purpose military vehicles, racing cars, and motorcycles. Due to the restricted space in their gearboxes, scooters, and motorcycles use multi-plate clutches. Multiple clutches are made up of more than three discs or plates in order to increase torque output.

Watch the video below to learn about the working of a multi-plate clutch:

Single plate clutch

single plate clutch

The single plate is the most popular type of clutch in automobiles. It only has one clutch plate, which is attached to the clutch shaft’s splines. The engine’s flywheel is attached to the crankshaft and revolves with it. When the clutch pedal is depressed, the pressure plate is fastened to the flywheel by clutch springs and is free to glide on the clutch shaft. The clutch plate is grasped between the flywheel and the pressure plate when the clutch is engaged. The clutch plate has friction linings on both sides. The clutch plate circles with the flywheel due to friction between the flywheel, clutch plate, and pressure plate. The clutch shaft rotates in tandem with the clutch plate.

Watch the video below to learn about the working of a single plate clutch:

Difference between multi-plate clutch and single-plate clutch in tabular form:

Multi-Plate Clutch

Single Plate Clutch

There are more than two pairs of friction surfaces in contact.A total of two pairs of friction surfaces are in contact.
It is composed of two or more clutch plates.There is only one clutch plate on it.
It ensures a smooth and gradual engagement.It does not ensure a smooth Engagement.
It requires less space.It requires more space.
Application- Two-wheelers, racing cars, and some heavy-duty trucks.Application- Trucks, Jeeps, cars, etc.
For the same size, torque transmission capacity is more.For the same size, torque transmission capacity is less.
Since it has a number of friction plates instead of a single, frictional power loss is more.Frictional power loss is less.
For the same power transmission, smaller in size.For the same power transmission, larger in size.

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That is all for this post, where the difference between multi-plate and single-plate is been discussed. I hope you learned a lot from the reading, if so, kindly share it with other students. Thanks for reading, see you around!