Sand casting is an essential procedure in many industries, including the automotive and aerospace sectors, since it is an inexpensive and effective way to create delicate and complicated metal components. It can handle a broad variety of metals and alloys and provides the ability to make both small and large pieces. Manufacturers can produce precise, consistent, high-quality castings by closely adhering to these guidelines.
Any metal alloy, ferrous or otherwise, can be cast using the common casting method known as sand casting. Well, in this reading, we’ll be exploring the seven step by step stages of sand casting.
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Step by Step process of sand casting
The major steps involve in sand casting are pattern making, mold making, pouring stage, cooling stage, removing stage, trimming and grinding, and inspecting of the object.
Step 1: Pattern Making
The first stage involved in sand casting processes is pattern making. Pattern-making seems to be tedious and intelligent work as is it the replica of an item to be produced. It can be made of different materials such as wood, metal, synthetics, etc. depending on the volume and tolerance of the casting. Wood is the most common because it is less expensive and easy to shape.
However, wood patterns easily wrap and deform. It can wear quickly from the sand. Whist, patterns made with metal last longer and can be reused to create the same type of cavity, which helps to reduce tooling costs. But it is more expensive. In pattern making, an allowance is added to it for thermal contraction or shrinking.
Step 2: Mold making
In this stage of the sand casting process, a refractory material (sand is widely applicable.) is loaded or packed on the flask, packed around the pattern still fully compacted. The pattern is then removed leaving the shape in the mold cavity. The sand used to make is mold is strong enough to hold the weight of the molten metal when it is poured and should be brittle enough to be broken when the casting cools and solidifies. Clay and some chemical bonding agents are used to strengthen the mold in order to withstand the pouring.
If the sand is packed in the cope and drag while the pattern is in it, the cope and drag are separated so that the pattern can easily be removed. A refractory coating (heat resistance material.) is added to the surface of the cavity to produce a better surface finish and to allow the mold to withstand the poured metal. The flask is coupled back together, leaving the shape in the cavity.
Core Making
Let me use this opportunity to elaborate more on core making in casting. Cores are internal holes and passages in a casting. it is typically made out of sand as it covers the portions where the cores are located in the pattern. The core is produced in the mold before molten metal is poured. Core print is an inset in a pattern that allows the core to be held in place inside the mold. However, the core may lose position due to the buoyancy of the molten metal.
That is why the core can be supported with chaplets which help hold the core together with the mold. In this situation, the chaplets used must have a higher melting point than the poured molten metal. Chaplets are cut off at the end of the casting process.
Step 3: Pouring stage
At this stage, metal is melted in a furnace at a certain temperature while the mold is already prepared. That is, it has been clamped and the riser and gateway have been cut. Gateway and riser are designed to allow the molten metal to smoothly or freely flow into the cavity. It also helps to eliminate turbulence which prevents oxides and casting defects.
The metal is been melted in a crucible (high refractory material) to some extent. It is removed from the furnace using a crucible tong to the pouring shank which ensures better pouring. Though pouring can be done manually or by an automated machine. Enough metal should be melted to fill the entire cavity and all channels in the mold else there will be an unfilled portion in the casting.
Step 4: Cooling stage
After the molten metal is poured into the cavity, it begins to cool and solidifies after some time. The molten metal takes the shape of the cavity and solidifies obtaining such a shape. The mold is a break after the cooling elapsed which can be estimated based on the thickness of the casting and the temperature of the metal.
At this stage defect likely occurs. If some part of the molten metal cools too quickly, it may exhibit cracks, shrinkage, or incomplete sections so care should be taken when making the mold and when pouring the molten metal.
Step 5: Removing stage (breaking)
The casting cools and is solidified at a predetermined time. The mold can simply be broken and the casting is obtained. This process is also called checkout. The breaking is typically done by a vibrating machine that shakes the sand and casts it out of the flask. The casting will likely contain some sand and oxide layers attached to it. The sand can be removed using shot blasting, mostly from the internal surface, to reduce the surface roughness.
Step 6: Trimming or Grinding
Remember the molten metal is poured through a channel (gateway and riser) to the cavity which fills all portions in the mold so as the channel. The metal in the channels must be trimmed off and the casting must be trimmed to the required dimension. Casting can be trimmed manually via cutting sawing or trimming press. Trimming time can be determined by the size of the casting envelope. A big casting may require a longer trimming time.
Step 7: Inspecting
Usually, non-conforming castings have been identified during the cleaning and grinding stages. However, a final check is still necessary. Additionally, we must create a set of tools or through-stop gauges for inspection in order to make sure there are no assembly issues for castings that have assembly requirements.
Bottom Line
To sum up, sand casting is a versatile and widely used manufacturing technique for producing metal and alloy parts. A design concept must go through numerous crucial processes to become a physical product. Among these steps are: the creation of the pattern, preparation of the mold, removal of the pattern, placement of the core (if necessary), assembly of the mold, melting of the metal, pouring, solidification, removal of the casting, finishing, quality check, and final product.
That is all for this post, where i have discussed the step stages of sand casting. I hope it was helpful, if so, kindly share with others. Thanks for reading, see you around! Student Lesson For Industry has more than 20 suppliers in this sector. Contact us!
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