There are several operations that can be performed on a milling machine. The different types of milling help to achieve these different operations, some are specially designed to suit a specific operation. The following are the different milling machine operations:
Plain milling operation:
This is when trying to create a plain, flat, horizontal surface parallel to the axis of rotation. It is also known as slab milling. Plain milling is very common and performed in almost all projects and all milling machines can perform this operation.
Read: Everything you need to know about milling machine
Face milling operation:
The face milling is performed on surfaces that are perpendicular to the axis of the cutter. Its operation is achieved by a milling cutter mounted on the stub arbor of the machine.
Side milling operation:
This milling machine operation is used to produce a flat vertical surface on the sides of the workpiece by using a side milling cutter. This cutter has teeth on its face as well as its side.
End milling operation:
This process helps to create flat surfaces that are horizontal, and vertical, and at that take the work table as a reference.
Gang milling operation:
In this milling operation, two or more milling cutters are used together to perform different milling operations simultaneously. Just a s other the cutters are mounted on the arbor.
Form milling operation:
In this milling process, the machining special contour creates curves, straight lines, or extreme curves at a single cut. it is achieved by using convex, concave, and corner rounding milling cutters.
Grooves milling operation:
This process helps in producing grooves on the surface of the workpiece with the use of a saw-milling cutter or end-milling cutter. It is achieved by fixing the workpiece on the milling machine and fixing the end milling cutter on an arbor which enables adjustment for the cutting depth. The work is fed against the cutter to cut the groove on the work surface.
T-slot milling operation:
The T-slot milling is done by using a T-slot milling cutter on the workpiece.
Gear-cutting operation:
This process is used to produce a gear tooth on the gear blank by using a form-relieved cutter in a milling machine. The profile cutter is exactly matched with the tooth space of the gear.
Straddle milling operation:
The straddle types of milling operations are operations carried out on both sides of a workpiece, creating a flat vertical surface. This is achieved by using two side milling cutters mounted on the same arbor, which is adjusted using a spacing collar. This operation is used to produce hexagonal or square surfaces.
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