Different types of molding sand are used in sand casting to manufacture most metal components, due to its versatile and cost-effective solution in metal production.
Sand casting is a versatile and cost-effective solution for the creation of metal parts. Most metal components can be manufactured using the sand casting method. Sometimes called sand mold casting, sand casting is a great process for small or large-volume orders.
Good casting can be determined by the pattern and the types of molding sand used. One needs to understand the types of molding sand used in casting to perfectly create objects.
Different kinds of molding sand are green sand, dry sand, facing sand, core sand, loam sand, parting sand, backing and floor sand, system sand, and molasses sand. Learn about casting processes here!
Now, let’s go deep to explain the various types of casting sand and their benefits!
Types of Molding Sand Used in Casting
The following below are types of molding sand:
Green Sand:
these types of molding sand are natural sand with enough moisture in them. It contains clay of about 15 to 30%, 8% of water, and silica. The clay and water act as binding materials that gives strength to the mold. it is used only for simple and roughcasting. It is used for both ferrous and non-ferrous metals.
Dry Sand:
This casting sand is obtained when the moisture from green sand is removed. It is used for large and heavy casting because the molding sand offers greater strength, rigidity, and thermal stability to the casting.
Facing Sand:
as the name implies, facing sand is used for facing the mold. it consists of fresh silica sand and clay. That is, no used sand is added. It is used directly next to the surface of the pattern. Facing casting sand must have high refractoriness and strength because it comes in direct contact with the hot molten metal. These types of molding sand give the mold a very fine grain.
Core Sand:
Core molding sand types contain silica sand mixed with core oil (linseed oil, resin, and mineral oil) and other binding materials like dextrin, cornflour, and sodium silicate. It is used for cores making and has high compressive strength.
Loam Sand:
Loam sand is an equal mixture of sand and clay with a sufficient amount of water added to it. It is also used for large and heavy molding like hoppers, turbine parts, etc.
Parting Sand:
These types of molding sand are pure silica sand poured on the faces of a pattern before molding. Parting sand is sprinkled on the pattern before it is embedded in the molding sand. This casting sand is also sprinkled on the contact surface of cope, drag, and cheek.
Backing and floor sand:
This casting sand is used to back up the facing sand and to fill the volume of the box. It is also known as floor sand.
System Sand:
This molding sand is applicable to mechanical heavy castings. It has high strength, permeability, and refractoriness. System sand is used for machine molding to fill the whole flask. Facing sand is not used in this molding because cleaned and has special additives.
Molasses Sand:
This molding sand is also used for core making and small casting of intricate shapes. It contains molasses as its source of binding. Learn about evaporative pattern casting here!
That is all for this article, where i explained the types of molding sand (casting sand). I hope you gain a lot from the reading, if so, kindly share with other students. Thanks for reading, see you next time!
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