AC compressor

Understanding the AC compressor

Would you like to keep cool during the summer and have a clear window in the winter? Well, you’ll need an AC compressor that is working properly. The air conditioning (A/C) system in your car is made up of different components, but one of the critical parts that creates the system’s necessary cycle is the compressor.

AC compressor

Your entire A/C system won’t be able to produce cool air for the car’s interior without an AC compressor. Its main function is to provide the proper amount of pressure to the refrigerant in the car to activate its heat-transfer characteristics and change temperatures. By doing this, you can keep cool during the summer and have a clear window in the winter.


What is the AC compressor?

The AC compressor is the most critical part of the air-conditioning system. It is the power unit of the air-conditioning system that puts the refrigerant under high pressure before it pumps it into the condenser, where it changes from a gas to a liquid.

An engine accessory belt powers the A/C compressors on the majority of automobiles. The compressor won’t run as effectively if the belt is old and slips. Refrigerant leaks from compressors can also reduce the amount of cold air that enters the interior.

There may not be any chilly air if internal components malfunction. Not all a/c issues are caused by low refrigerant levels in the system. Some are brought on by problems with components of the system, like the compressor.

Related: Understanding the AC compressor clutch

How AC Compressor Works

Essentially, it’s a mini compressor that is often driven by the auxiliary drive belt. The pulley on your A/C compressor receives power from your crankshaft as your engine turns over through the auxiliary drive belt.

However, your air conditioner’s compressor has a clutch installed in the pulley because not everyone uses their air conditioner completely when driving.


When you turn on and off your air conditioning, the compressor will be engaged and disengaged by this clutch. Therefore, if your air conditioner is turned off, the compressor’s pulley will turn, but the compressor’s internal parts won’t.

The air conditioner compressor is made to increase the temperature and pressure of the refrigerant inside the system when cooling.

When the gas-based refrigerant reaches the condenser in your car, the heat it has absorbed from the evaporator may be released because of the way the molecules are packed tightly.

Related: AC compressor clutch not engaging (causes and how to fix it) 

AC Compressor Location In The Vehicle

The AC compressor is usually found on the auxiliary drive belt with other belt-driven accessories.


It will be powered by an electrical plug and have two refrigerant pipes attached to the body of the device.

You may look underneath your car to see the compressor because it is mainly found near the bottom of the engine, underneath the alternator and power steering pump.

AC compressor location

Related: How much does an AC compressor replacement cost?


How does the AC compressor work in a car?

The engine of your vehicle uses a belt to drive the compressor for the air conditioning system. It moves the refrigerant into the system to drive the compressor for the air conditioning system. It moves the refrigerant into the system. The refrigerant is then compressed to raise the temperature after being sucked in as a low-pressure gas.

How do I know my car’s AC compressor is bad?

  • AC system blows moderate/hot air
  • The compressor clutch is not moving
  • Unusual noise from the AC compressor
  • Refrigerant Leak

How does a car’s AC compressor get damaged?

If the refrigerant lines in your system develop holes or cracks, the air conditioner will leak refrigerant. After some time, the level drops so low that the compressor will have to work harder to push through the system enough refrigerant to cool your room. The compressor may eventually fail due to the strain.

Will a broken AC compressor affect the engine?

It is a problem when your A/C compressor breaks and it can affect your car as a whole. Your car’s engine may suffer if you drive with a damaged A/C compressor. Keep in mind that everything in your car is interconnected. The engine powers vital components of your car’s air conditioning compressor, such as the pulleys and belts.

Can a car’s AC compressor be repaired?

AC compressors can sometimes be repaired. However, it is always better to get a new compressor and replace the damaged one. It will most frequently lead to a better, longer-lasting repair in addition to being the most time-efficient solution to the issue.

How long does a car’s AC compressor last?

The lifetime of a car’s compressor is normally 12 to 15 years, depending on how well the car is maintained. To avoid a premature failure of your vehicle, it is crucial that you routinely check and service it.

What happens if I don’t replace the AC compressor in my car?

As long as you don’t want or need air conditioning in your vehicle, you will be fine. Your AC pulley is a clutch-equipped free-spinning pulley. Until the air conditioning is turned on, it will spin at will. Even if the clutch isn’t functioning properly, you can still drive your vehicle.

How much does it cost to replace an AC compressor in a car?

The typical price to replace a car’s air conditioning compressor is around $1,100. Depending on where you live, labor and part costs can differ significantly. The parts can cost between $650 and $840, while the labor can cost anywhere between $160 and $200 on average.

What causes AC compressor failure?

Some of the common reasons for air conditioner compressor failure include power surges, overheating compressors, and dirty AC coils.

When replacing the car’s AC compressor, what else should be replaced?

You will at the very least need to replace the receiver dryer, expansion valve, compressor assembly, and clutch for the seized compressor. You will also need to flush the system. To fix your air conditioner, I suggest having a professional check your car to determine whether any other parts need to be replaced.

What do you need when replacing an AC compressor?

Below are the items you’ll need when replacing an air conditioning compressor.

  • New compressor.
  • Refrigerant recovery tank.
  • Refrigerant.
  • Equipment to recover and charge system.
  • Torch.
  • Basic hand tools such as wrenches, screwdrivers, ratchets, and pliers.


The A/C compressor is a crucial component of your vehicle’s air conditioning system, as it plays a central role in the system’s cycle. Without it, the entire A/C system would be unable to fulfill its primary function of producing cool air inside the vehicle.