What is Chrometophobia (Fear of Money): Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

What is Chrometophobia (Fear of Money): Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Chrometophobia is a severe, irrational, and overwhelming dislike of money, especially spending money. When faced with real money, the smell of money, the touch of money, or the idea of spending money, a person who has this phobia may experience extreme fear, anxiety, or panic. Even if a person is in good financial standing, extreme chrometophobia can make it very difficult for them to spend money or make payments on their debts. Some persons who have chrometophobia also feel nervous when they are near things that have a high monetary worth, such as costly jewelry, rare works of art, or expensive cars.What is Chrometophobia (Fear of Money): Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Well, in this article, we’ll be talking about chrometophobia (fear of money), its causes, symptoms, and treatment, whereby the answers to the following questions will be discussed:


What is Chrometophobia?

Chrometophobia, often known as the fear of money, is a specific phobia that is very rare and shows itself in many ways. It could be a phobia of spending money or of money in general for certain people. Some people might be more afraid of anything specific, like coins or bills.

The Greek words charismata, which means money, and phobos, which means fear, are from where the word chrometophobia gets its name. Sometimes a person’s fear of money is so strong that they avoid any interactions with it, which can cause serious financial issues. People who have chrometophobia might do anything to avoid dealing with money. They might even refuse to use credit cards or carry cash. Some people might even stay clear of financial institutions like banks

What are the causes of chrometophobia?

Because they may have been traumatized by the situation and fear it may happen again, those who have gone through serious financial troubles in the past may develop chrometophobia.

“However, there might not even be a clear cause for some phobias. She does, however, stress that treatment is still possible, even though we might never understand the cause.

What are the Symptoms of Chrometophobia?

Among the symptoms of chrometophobia, are some of the following:

  • Extreme dislike of spending money, to the point where it affects day-to-day existence
  • Anxiety or stress brought on by the idea of making a purchase
  • Tendency to spend as little money as possible.

For some people, this fear may also apply to other expensive objects, jewels, gold, and other valuables. It’s important to remember that chrometophobia is an insane fear, much like other phobias. As a result, someone who has real financial challenges might not be chromophoric because their opposition to making purchases is understandable.

How does Chrometophobia Impact?

What is Chrometophobia (Fear of Money): Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

These are a few impacts of chrometophobia on an individual’s life.

  • Individuals could reduce their purchasing needs for themselves.
  • Even if money is within their means, they may decide against going out, taking a trip, or engaging in activities they enjoy.
  • If people refuse to pay for healthcare or prefer to buy junk food because it is less expensive than nutritious food, they may experience illnesses.
  • Due to the expense, they might not have a social life or romantic relationships.
  • Due to their failure to pay payments, they could have legal issues.
  • Their living situations can deteriorate as a result of their desire to spend money on home upkeep and repairs.

How is Chrometophobia Patience Diagnosed?

One of the least known and diagnosed phobias is chrometophobia. Deciding if a fear of spending money is strong enough to be labeled as a phobia can be challenging. However, healthcare providers can make a diagnosis for a specific phobia based on the DSM-5 criteria.5 It is beneficial to be able to identify your chrometophobia because it enables you to get the right care.

The DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for specific phobias include:

  • The person experiences excessive or unreasonable fear at the prospect of the object or situation.
  • The person is unable to cope with the feared situation and almost always experiences anxiety or panic attacks when they encounter it.
  • The person recognizes that their reaction is excessive but is unable to do anything about it.
  • The person avoids the situation as much as possible or endures it with significant distress and anxiety.
  • The person’s fear, anxiety, distress, and avoidance interfere significantly with their ability to go about their daily life, affecting their work, studies, relationships, and overall functioning.
  • The person’s fear is persistent and has lasted for over six months.
  • The person’s symptoms and behavior are not caused by another mental health condition.

How to Cope with Chrometophobia?

What is Chrometophobia (Fear of Money): Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Some steps that can help you cope with chrometophobia:

  • You may have taken care of your money if you have chrometophobia for a good reason. But maybe it’s time to let that go. So, when you cope with this fear, try to be kind to yourself.
  • Keep in mind that sometimes holding out on purchases can end up costing you more money in the long run. It’s important to look after your home, health, daily demands, and social and emotional well-being.
  • Make use of budgeting software to help you keep track of your spending habits to avoid overspending.
  • If paying bills makes you anxious, set up a direct debit for all of your major payments.

What are the Treatments for Chrometophobia?

The starting point in creating a treatment plan for chrometophobias usually involves psychotherapy. There are several affordable therapy choices to take into thought, and traditional phobia therapies are effective in addressing symptoms of extreme anxiety and stress. Getting treatment from a professional will enable you to face your concerns and get your life back on track.

Treatment options for chrometophobias include:

  • Exposure therapy: Exposure therapy is based on systematic desensitization, a behavioral therapy technique used for treating phobias and anxiety. The idea is to expand your comfort zone by getting used to things that make you uncomfortable.
  • Support groups: These are effective, useful, and beneficial. Online support groups also provide less expensive alternatives.
  • Group therapy: Group therapy works similarly to individual treatment whether it is provided in person or online. The client will try to address and treat their symptoms in conjunction with others going through comparable problems by consulting with an able mental health professional.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): holds that thoughts come before feelings and actions. To understand that you are naturally worthy of financial peace, financial freedom, and an abundant life, you must rebuild your thoughts. Chrometophobia can benefit from CBT for anxiety since it provides workable solutions to your triggers and symptoms.
  • Financial therapy: You can learn more about your money psychology and get help before financial trauma from therapists who specialize in this field. In order to help handle any financial worry, they can also teach you how to change how you think about money.
  • Twelve-step support: Many free twelve-step groups, including Debtors Anonymous, Spenders Anonymous, Underearners Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous, and others, address financial difficulties.

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Chrometophobias or the fear of money can both have a big impact on a person’s life. It could be challenging to maintain employment or generate retirement savings. As people with chrometophobia may be hesitant to discuss money with their partner, it can also interfere with personal relationships. Seek help from a licensed mental health professional if you believe you may have chrometophobias. They may assist you in comprehending your fear and creating a plan of action to deal with it and lead a more rewarding life.


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