A blower motor resistor is an electrical component that can prevent current from entering the blower fan motor. By increasing the resistance, the fan won’t spin as quickly, which reduces the amount of hot or cold air that is circulated in the cabin.
So how do you tell when this component goes bad? You, as a driver or car owner, will experience various symptoms if your blower motor resistor goes bad.
Symptoms you will experience when your blower motor resistor goes bad include malfunctioning of various airflow settings, the blower motor working at only one speed, no air coming out of the vent, and inconsistent fan speed.
Now, let’s go deep to explain the symptoms of a bad blower motor resistor!
1. Various airflow settings will not work.
You may find that the fan only works in some settings. The blower motor resistor is not needed when the system is turned off or when the blower motor is set to run at full speed.
In other conditions, though, the resistor is required to control the airflow. It is also conceivable that the blower motor switch is causing the problem. As a result, a second diagnostic may be required to determine the faulty component.
2. Blower Motor Only Works On One-Speed
The majority of modern heaters and air conditioners have adjustable fan speeds. The fan’s setting needs to be simple for you to select.
However, the blower motor becoming stuck on one setting is one of the most typical signs of a faulty blower motor resistor. The resistor can be an issue if you are unable to remove the motor from a high or low position.
3. No Air Coming From Vents
When the blower motor resistor fails, it can result in no air coming out of the vents. The resistor is responsible for regulating the power to the blower motor, and if it malfunctions, it may cut off all power to the motor.
As a result, the blower motor will not be able to produce air pressure, leaving the heater or air conditioner with no air escaping the vents.
If nothing is coming out of the vents, it’s important to check for other possible causes before assuming it’s the resistor, such as checking the fuses.
If nothing is functioning at all, it’s advisable to also inspect the blower motor, as it may have stopped working entirely.
4. Intermittent Or Inconsistent Fan Speed
You may only be able to get one option or a specific speed to operate, as we’ve already explained. However, there is also a chance that the system will occasionally go wrong.
As a result, it’s possible that you have excessive air pressure for a minute before it stops. These irregular problems point to an electrical issue or a problem with the blower motor resistor.
Botton Line
HVAC fan speeds in a vehicle’s temperature control system may be inconsistent or non-operational due to a broken blower motor resistor.
This problem may make it difficult to control the cabin’s airflow and temperature, which will be uncomfortable and diminish the efficiency of climate control.
That is all for this article, where the symptoms of a bad motor resistor are explained. I hope it was helpful, if so, please share it with others. Thanks for reading, see you around!
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