Symptoms of a bad ignition switch

Symptoms Of A Bad Ignition Switch

An ignition switch is a crucial electronic component found in many cars and trucks, typically located on the steering column near the ignition lock cylinder where the key is inserted to start the vehicle. Together, they activate the ignition to start the car. While many cars now use keyless ignitions, a significant number still require a physical key to start.


Symptoms Of A Bad Ignition Switch

Symptoms of a bad ignition switch

Engine Won’t Start

The starter motor, ignition system, and other engine controls won’t receive power from a damaged ignition switch, making it impossible for the engine to start. But keep in mind that other mechanical and electrical difficulties, such as a dead battery or a broken starter solenoid, might also result in engine issues.

Car Stops When Driving

We believe you’ll agree that this is most likely the ominous omen. The ignition and fuel systems may lose power if the ignition switch fails while the engine is running, which will cause the engine to stall. The car might or might not be able to be restarted a short while later, depending on the precise problem.

Loss of Lighting and Other Accessories

Your car’s interior lighting, dashboard lights, and other gadgets could momentarily go off if your ignition switch is broken.

No Sound When Starting

If your starter motor is silent, the ignition switch may be defective; however, if this is the case, try again with the gearbox in neutral to rule out a problem with the neutral safety switch. You might be dealing with anything other than an ignition switch issue if the motor makes any clicking noises.

Unable To Turn Key

Another sign of a bad ignition switch is a packed key, which could keep the engine running even after it is removed. However, this kind of problem typically has more to do with the ignition lock cylinder than the electrical part of the switch.


To ensure the security and reliability of the car, it is crucial to be able to identify the symptoms of a faulty ignition switch. Paying close attention to these signs can help prevent starting and electrical problems, and ensure the safe and efficient operation of the car.


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