Xanthophobia (Fear of the Color Yellow)

Xanthophobia (Fear of the Color Yellow)

Yellow-related phobia is referred to as xanthophobia. Prefix “xanth” comes from the Greek word for yellow, and phobias are intense, persistent anxieties. A kind of chromophobia, or a fear of colors, is xanthophobia. The incidence of color phobias like xanthophobia is unknown, but they are typically regarded as uncommon. Specific phobias include color phobias. certain phobias are persistent, severe worries that you have in relation to a certain object, idea, activity, situation, or someone. Fear of dogs, darkness, water, flying, tunnels, blood, and heights are a few of the most prevalent phobias.

Xanthophobia (Fear of the Color Yellow)

According to research, 5% to 10% of Americans are thought to have a particular fear. Here, we will examine xanthophobia in more detail, including its causes and signs, as well as treatment recommendations from medical professionals.

Well, in this article we’ll be talking about Xanthophobia (Fear of the Color Yellow), whereby the answers to the following questions will be discussed:


What Is Xanthophobia?

Xanthophobia, or the fear of the color yellow, is an aspect of chromophobia, which is a more general term for phobias of colors. Greek terms xanth (yellow) and phobia (fear) are the roots of the word “xanthophobia.”  Xanthophobia can cause severe anxiety symptoms and have an important adverse impact on a person’s ability to operate. Xanthophobia (Fear of the Color Yellow)Some people sense anxiety when they see the color yellow, while others may feel anxious just hearing the word yellow. An individual with xenophobia can rid their homes of any yellow decor and, in extreme cases, stay inside to avoid being exposed to the color.

What Causes People to Fear Colors?

The exact reason why someone develops a certain fear like xanthophobia is unknown to experts. However, it is likely that a person develops a phobia as a result of a confluence of genetics, family history, developmental factors, and environmental factors.

Trauma Associated with a Particular Color

According to a psychiatrist and Columbia University Chairwoman of The Women in Medicine Initiative Judith Joseph, MD, a traumatic event involving a particular color often ends in the development of a phobia of that color. Dr. Joseph explains: “For instance, if you were assaulted in a room painted bright blue, light blue may trigger you. If you were struck by a yellow car, such as an NYC taxi cab, you can experience anxiety or a trauma response that makes you want to run away.

According to clinical psychologist Stefania Dannacher, PsyD, those who suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) or other anxiety disorders are more likely to acquire xanthophobia.”The fear will grow if an individual has a mild aversion to a certain color and subsequently avoid that color,” she says. This increases avoidance, which increases fear. According to Dr. Dannacher, avoidance is more comfortable for people but maintains and feeds worry, creating a vicious cycle of avoidance and fear.

What are the Symptoms of Xanthophobia?

Although studies have shown that people often encounter powerful emotional responses to colors, if you avoid a certain color at all costs and feel extreme fear when you think about that color, you likely have a color phobia. A phobia like xanthophobia is often diagnosed when you have had the same, consistent fear for at least six months and it is causing you major distress or impairment in your life.

Xanthophobia (Fear of the Color Yellow)

Here are some xenophobia symptoms:

  • When I see yellow, I feel fear, discomfort, and worry right away.
  • Avoiding situations that need you to be exposed to yellow
  • Attacks of panic brought on by color
  • In relation to the phobia, physical symptoms of anxiety include stomachaches, headaches, nausea, a racing heartbeat, increased sweating, clammy palms, and tight breathing.
  • Social problems, work-related problems, and difficulties with day-to-day functioning because of the dread
  • Possible agoraphobia, or the fear of leaving the house or a safe place for fear of coming across something yellow

How to Treat Xanthophobia?

A phobia like xenophobia can make daily life hard and stressful. You might not want to express your serious anxieties with others because you feel ashamed of how you feel. You might not like how the phobia is limiting your options in life. You can also be unsure of how to overcome the phobia. First of all, keep in mind that you are not alone and that feeling this way is not your fault. Phobias are rather typical. Importantly, there are solutions for managing them available. These could include therapy, modifications to diets, and medication.

According to Dr. Joseph, in some situations, “these treatments are aimed at grounding the person so that they do not have a severe trauma response.”

Let us look at various treatment options:

Life Style Lessons

People who deal with anxiety need to learn ways to cope and how to manage their stress. Caffeine may worsen anxiety symptoms; therefore, the American Psychological Association (APA) advises against limiting its use for those who suffer from anxiety. The APA also advises discussing any drugs you are taking with your doctor to see whether they could be making your anxiety worse.


The most frequently suggested strategy for overcoming phobias is therapy. To treat phobias, exposure treatment, and cognitive-behavioral therapy are frequently employed. In a safe, therapeutic environment, you are gradually exposed to the item you are afraid of during exposure therapy. Avoidance is what keeps worry alive and feeds it, so it is essential to break this cycle as soon as possible, according to Dr. Dannacher.

According to her, exposure results in two key things. You will first discover that the color you are afraid of is secure. According to Dr. Dannacher, you will habituate the fear over time and with repeated prolonged exposure, causing the anxiety to lessen. Being more aware of certain automatic, incorrect thoughts, behaviors that are, and behaviors you have with your phobia is a key component of cognitive-behavioral therapy for specific phobias.

Then, you develop techniques with your therapist for what to do when you become aware of such thoughts and feelings. The thing you fear will eventually start to feel secure to you as you start to become adjusted to it.


When treating phobias, medication and counseling may occasionally be beneficial. What you should know, in Dr. Joseph’s opinion: Some medications, such as benzodiazepines and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI), work by treating the physiological anxiety that accompanies phobias. Medications that target the fight-or-flight response seen during anxiety, such as propranolol, clonidine, and prazosin, may also be beneficial.

Does Someone with Xanthophobia Fear the Sun?

Xanthophobia (Fear of the Color Yellow)

You might be wondering if people who have xanthophobia typically have a fear of the sun because many of us connect the color yellow with the sun and sunshine in general.

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Living with xanthophobia might be difficult, but you are not the only one. Consider speaking with a specialist in particular phobias online or in your region for advice and support to better understand the reasons for this fear and how to manage it.


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